News and Events
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If you have pictures or upcoming events that you would like featured in the newsletter, please contact our office.
Upcoming Events
NSF-funded LSAMP MarSci-LACE has created the Mentor Development Workshop (MDW) a workshop that interactively engages potential undergraduate research mentors through the following five training modules: Introduction to Mentoring, Psychosocial Factors of Research Experiences, Ally Skills, Culturally Responsive Mentoring and Mentor Plan Development.
These MDW training modules provide an overview of mentorship, emphasizing the mutual learning opportunities for both the mentor and the mentee, and provide effective mentorship strategies and approaches, with a focus on broadening participation in research. Workshop participants will receive tools and resources for use in their own mentorship practice.
Mentors of every level will find value in participating and participation is open to faculty in ALL fields. Workshop is free and includes lunch.
For more details on the curriculum please visit:
Space is limited, registration is required. To register please complete the :
Come on out and join us Thursday November 7, 2024 | 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m at the Clay Center for NASA Day!
Visit the Clay Center where students can:
•Participate in hands-on STEM workshops
•Visit the Caperton Planetarium and Theater and learn about the Artemis Missions in a live presentation
•Listen to Keynote speaker Miss Emily Certain, NASAVIPER Moon Rover Integration & Test – Lead Instrumentation Engineer; WVU & WV Space Grant Alumnus
FREE EVENT however registration is required.
Recommended for middle school students grades 6th-8th
Space is Limited, Register by emailing:
Travel grants are available for those that need assistance. Please call Kristina at 304-435-7033
Welcome to the 42nd SEARCDE, hosted by the School of Mathematical and Data Sciences at West Virginia University, in Morgantown, WV, and organized in cooperation with The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM).
For more than forty years, the Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations (SEARCDE) has devoted itself to bringing together the region’s leading experts and young researchers.
The meeting provides a valuable venue for researchers to exchange ideas and foster collaborations on questions arising from differential equations and applications. Moreover, it provides an excellent mentorship platform for students, postdoctoral researchers, and junior faculty. It has become a tradition for SEARCDE to include a significant proportion of talks by advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs, who are encouraged to present their research. Additionally, application-oriented talks that focus on numerical or experimental aspects will interest engineers, software developers, and other professionals in the region.
Focused Themes
The conference which consists of four plenary speakers and parallel sessions with invited and contributed presentations will focus on the following themes:
- Analytical approaches to solving differential equations with physical, life, and material sciences applications,
- Numerical and computational methods in solving differential equations,
- Optimization and applications in control and data sciences.
This conference supports the Welcoming Environment Statement of the Association for Women in Mathematics
Have questions?
Please direct general inquiries to:
For more information on this event, please visit: SEARCDE 2024 | School of Mathematical and Data Sciences | West Virginia University (