About the West Virginia Space Grant Consortium
The West Virginia Space Grant Consortium (WVSGC or Consortium) is a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sponsored organization established by an Act of Congress in August 1991.
What is WVSGC?
The WVSGC is comprised of West Virginia academic institutions, the Community and Technical College System, and several corporate and scientific partners. West Virginia University (WVU) is the lead institution. The Consortium is dedicated to building research infrastructure and promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education in West Virginia. The Consortium’s programs focus on student fellowships, research, collaborations with high-technology industries, as well as K-12, and public outreach programs. This is consistent with the strategic vision for the state’s participation in the nation’s current and future endeavors in science and technology.
A Board of Directors, consisting of one member from each academic institution and representatives from the Consortium’s corporate, scientific, government, and non-profit partners, governs the NASA WVSGC, under the leadership of the Director.
The Consortium is housed in the Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources on the Evansdale Campus of WVU in Morgantown, West Virginia.

About the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program
NASA initiated the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, also known as Space Grant, in 1989. The Space Grant program is housed in the NASA Office of STEM Engagement. The Space Grant national network includes over 850 affiliates from universities, colleges, industry, museums, science centers, and state and local agencies. These affiliates belong to one of 52 consortia in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. These institutions are working to expand opportunities for Americans to understand and participate in NASA’s work by supporting and enhancing science and engineering education, research and public outreach efforts.
The 52 consortia primarily fund fellowships and scholarships for college students pursuing careers in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology, or STEM, as well as curriculum enhancement and faculty development. Member colleges and universities also administer pre-college and public service outreach projects in their states.
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The National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program is comprised of five regions – the Great Midwestern Region, Mid-Atlantic Region, Northeast Region, Southeastern Region and the Western Region. NASA WVSGC is part of the Mid-Atlantic Region with seven state consortia: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia and West Virginia as indicated below.

Our Mission
The mission of the WVSGC is “to develop a statewide infrastructure that will enhance the state’s competitiveness in NASA-relevant research, education, and industrial/entrepreneurial activities. Specifically, the Consortium aims to capture, channel, and enhance the interests and activities of current and potential scientists and engineers in its member institutions.”
Ways to accomplish this mission have been strategically identified in three goals.
Goal 1: promote and support the research efforts of Consortium faculty and students in areas of interest to NASA, and be an effective agent of change in STEM education in the state.
Goal 2: develop and promote programs to recruit and retain underrepresented populations.
Goal 3: enhance pre-college students’ interest and enthusiasm in STEM disciplines
Programs are designed to not only advance our Mission, but also be aligned with Strategic Priorities of the Office STEM Engagement, Space Grant Objectives, as well as foster collaboration with NASA’s Mission Directorates.
NASA research priorities are defined by the Mission Directorates (Aeronautics Research, Science, Space Technology, Exploration Systems Development, or Space Operations), and NASA’s ten Centers. Each Missions Directorate and Center covers a major area of the Agency’s research and technology efforts.