Programs for Higher Education

College Course Development Program

This program by the NASA WV Space Grant Consortium (WVSGC) funds projects to develop new and innovative STEM courses at the institutions of higher education affiliated with the Consortium. Applicants are required to present a clear and feasible plan for designing and offering a new course in the STEM fields and include plans for the continuation of the course after the first year. On-line course development may also be considered. Each successful proposal will receive up to $5,000 in NASA funds to be matched 1:1 from non-federal sources.

Required Application Rules

  1. Proposals must be submitted on-line. Please note that the applicant is responsible for completeness and accuracy of the material contained in the proposal. Any deviation from the stated rules and requirements will result in disqualification of the proposal.
  2. Each award category is judged separately based on published criteria. However, the NASA WVSGC will review all submitted proposals and consider each proposal’s total scores, combined with other considerations, in reaching a final award decision.
  3. Each PI may submit no more than one proposal per category.
  4. Proposers must be very clear about the goals and objectives (what they propose to do) and the methodology to achieve those goals and objectives (how they plan to execute the project).
  5. Please note that all proposals must align with one of the five NASA Mission Directorates. (Aeronautics Research, Science, Space Technology, Exploration Systems Development, or Space Operations). To read about the latest programs and current interests for the Mission Directorates, please click here.  Failure to clearly indicate the alignment with a NASA Mission Directorate will result in disqualification of the proposal and not being forwarded to the reviewers.
  6. Recipients of NASA WV Space Grant funds must be U.S. Citizens.
  7. The use of NASA funds for foreign travel and purchase of equipment is prohibited.

Evaluation Criteria

For electronic submissions click here

Statewide and National Programs

Higher Ed Student Org Support

NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium logo with light blue background; Circle logo with a crescent moon and stars on the top and hills and a river on the bottom half with a red line that splits in two and NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium written around it

The NASA WV Space Grant Consortium is pleased to announce the availability of funds to support student organizations in STEM outreach activities, team projects, and participation in statewide and national competitions. This opportunity is ongoing with no application deadlines, and we will accept proposals on a rolling basis. Student organizations may request up to $2,000 in NASA funds to be matched 1:1 from non-federal sources (faculty mentoring is an acceptable form of match support). Click HERE for applications

Statewide Programs

Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project logo; circle logo of an earth with a white balloon in the right corner with Nationwide eClipse Ballooning Project written around it

The Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP), lead by Montana SGC (MSGC) at Montana State University, has selected West Virginia University (WVU) and Trinity Christian School (TCS) in Morgantown WV to participate in the 2023 and 2024 solar eclipses. Want to learn more about the WV Eclipse Ballooning Project? CLICK HERE.

SPOT Science Public Outreach Team logo with grey blue background; Yellow SPOT Science Public Outreach Team over a blue state and a plus sign

The West Virginia Science Public Outreach Team (WV SPOT) began in 2013 as a partnership between the Green Bank Observatory and NASA. We recruit and train WV undergraduates to bring presentations about current WV science, technology, and engineering to WV K-12 classrooms. Since inception, we have made over 800 presentations and impacted the lives of more than 25,000 students! To learn more, please visit the Science Public Outreach Team (SPOT) website.

National Programs

Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone CO Space Grant-NASA-Artemis logo GLEE logo; logo of a circle with earth and another planet inside with stars and orange and yellow squares with GLEE written inside and Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone CO Space Grant-NASA- Artemis written on the outside with a black background

Details about the Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone (GLEE) may be found on the GLEE Website.

Rocket launching; rocket taking off; space rocket

All program details for the 2022-2023 RockSat Program may be found at:

Navy Blue quotation mark

Moreover, the networking skills I acquired enabled me to connect with individuals and groups and has directly led to several wonderful opportunities.

– Justin Smith, 2004-2006 West Virginia Space Grant Scholar